One year of doodles!

One year ago I decided to do a doodle a day. Now it is 365 doodles later! So much has happened this year as I doodled away. I learned to use whatever medium I had on hand like flair tip pens ,markers, paint ,crayons you name it. I doodled on airplanes, in hotel rooms, during the classes I teach and at night at home watching TV. I doodled my way through my daughter’s wedding, in fact each table at the reception had a doodle that related to the “Love birds.” I doodled about my old dog Lily who died this year at age 17. Those doodles were hard to do and I am not done doing Lily doodles. I just need time to not feel so sad when I draw her. I made fun of my golf game which doesn’t seem to improve! I discovered I really like drawing squirrels a lot! I think my favorite doodles are the ones I did during the Olympics. Each night I doodled whatever sport was on. I did many dancing doodles of vegetables, evil cupcakes, attacking candy corn and large babies!  But I think the very best part of this year are all the new Facebook friends I made!  I feel like I now know hundreds of really nice people all over the world. I love to draw  and I am so happy my simple pictures cheered a few of you up each day! Stay tuned!! I am still drawing, but I may spend a bit more time on the next batch so I might not have a new one up every day. There are still many things I want to draw… like monsters, aliens, giant ice cream cones, pet portraits, toasters down on their luck, clowns, bugs, monkeys doing stuff and much much more! The doodles are for sale for a short time then they are going to be in a show starting in January at The Bloomington Art center. Thanks for being part of this awesome year of doodles!

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