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Kerlan Award Luncheon and Ceremony!

The Kerlan AwardYou are invited to The Kerlan Award event on April 24, 2010. Luncheon Noon – 1:00. Ceremony 1:00 – 3:00. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Elmer Anderson Library. Ticket Order Form on attached web link.

26th Annual Holiday Sale! Mark your calendar!!

Sunday, December 6, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM at Erte Restaurant in NE Minneapolis. Great New Location! this is the 26th year of this fun sale with my long-time artist friends. A lot of unique, hand made work of all kinds. I’ll have a huge supply of most of my books, plus posters and original art. Other artists will have ceramics, prints, paintings, jewelry, wearables, wood carvings, textiles, mixed media… you get the idea! Go to Erte’s website for directions. Free treats and live music!